[Not Direct Billable]
[Client must submit under Massage Therapy Benefits]
At River Rock, acupuncture is a treatment method performed by an RMT to relieve pain and swelling, improve
movement and function of injured or diseased areas of the body, and reduce stress and anxiety. Relief is
sometimes obtained where more conventional medical therapy has failed. Acupuncture involves the insertion of
needles through the skin into specific points adjacent and sometimes quite distant from the site of pain. You
may feel an initial skin prick followed by a deeper sense of discomfort, fullness or tingling around, or sometimes
radiating away from the needle. Several needles are usually used and left in place between 20 and 30 minutes.
Sometimes your therapist may attach an electrical stimulator to the needles (electroacupuncture).
Here at River Rock, acupuncture is being performed by an RMT who is trained in acupuncture (similar to a
physiotherapist who does acupuncture) and so your acupuncture appointment can only be billed under
Massage Therapy coverage, not under Acupuncture coverage. If you are unsure about what your insurance will
cover, please contact your insurance company for confirmation or the clinic if you need clarification around this
Andrea Klassen
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