Meet Andrea Klassen
Your local Acupuncturist!
Andrea is a Registered Massage Therapist and has taken supplementary training in a number of areas including acupuncture, cupping, TMJ (jaw) dysfunction, breast massage, CranioSacral Therapy and Trauma-Informed Care. Andrea loves problem-solving and working with people to help them improve their health, wellness, and recover from injuries.
What is Acupuncture & How Does it Work?
At River Rock Massage Therapy Clinic, acupuncture is a treatment method performed by a Registered Massage Therapist to relieve pain and swelling, improve movement and function of injured or diseased areas of the body, and reduce stress and anxiety. Relief is sometimes obtained where more conventional medical therapy has failed. Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles through the skin into specific points adjacent and sometimes quite distant from the site of pain. You may feel an initial skin prick followed by a deeper sense of discomfort, fullness or tingling around, or sometimes
radiating away from the needle. Several needles are usually used and left in place between 20 and 30 minutes. Sometimes your therapist may attach an electrical stimulator to the needles (electroacupuncture).
Western medicine believes that acupuncture relieves pain by stimulating the nervous system into releasing substances called endorphins which are the body’s own natural pain relievers. The needles also have a direct effect on circulation, muscles and connective tissue. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) view is that acupuncture aims to restore balance and harmony to the body’s energy, or “qi” (pronounced “chee”). Here at River Rock our acupuncture treatments are a balance of Eastern and Western approaches. Some people may experience immediate reduction in pain; in others the benefit may be cumulative over 4 to 6 treatment sessions. Eighty to ninety percent of people respond well to acupuncture with noticeable improvement.
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Is it safe?
Acupuncture is extremely safe. Single use, sterilized, disposable needles are used to avoid infection. People with pacemakers, heart conditions, bleeding disorders and those who are pregnant should discuss their condition with their therapist prior to any treatment. Some people may experience bruising around the needle site, or feel nauseous or dizzy during treatment. Very rare complications that have been reported include damage to blood vessels, nerves or organs. Your therapist has been trained in safety practices to avoid causing damage while performing acupuncture.
What should I do before and after my treatment?
It is best to eat a light meal before treatment. Avoid coffee, alcohol or sedatives before and after treatment. Some people feel a profound sense of relaxation after treatment and may need to plan activities accordingly. For painful conditions, avoid strenuous activity after treatment, particularly for those experiencing relief of their pain. Medication, as directed by your physician, may be taken as required.
Will my private health insurance cover acupuncture sessions?
Here at River Rock, acupuncture is being performed by an RMT who is trained in acupuncture (similar to a physiotherapist who does acupuncture) and so your acupuncture appointment can only be billed under Massage Therapy coverage, not under Acupuncture coverage. If you are unsure about what your insurance will cover, please contact your insurance company for confirmation or the clinic if you need clarification around this matter.
How many sessions will I need?
Some people experience immediate relief during their session, others notice changes within a few days after their session, and some require a few sessions before they start feeling the benefits.
What should I wear for an acupuncture session?
Loose, comfortable clothing is best. Depending on the areas being needled, the therapist may ask you to partly disrobe in order to get access to all points being used. Draping with sheets will be done when appropriate.
What can I expect during my session?
The first session booked should be an Acupuncture Consultation. These appointments are a bit longer and give the therapist time to do get information from you about your condition, do any assessment necessary as well as go over the details around acupuncture. Once this is done the therapist will go over the treatment approach and begin needling. Needles will sometimes be stimulated either manually or through a TENS machine which passes electrical current through the needles. Needles will be left in for 20 - 30 minutes on average. Cupping or Gua Sha (scraping) may be done after the needles have been removed. In some cases, the therapist may apply small pebbles or push pins to some points which are to be left on after the session is over to continue stimulating the area.